Graphisme Inédit • 27 mai 2011 Vendredi c’est graphism S02E21! par Geoffrey Dorne De la 3D à un joli doigt d'honneur pour soutenir un artiste Chinois, en passant par un long métrage sur Matrix et un WTF...mortel ! Vendredi, c'est Graphism. Twitter Facebook 63 Art, artiste, china, fuck, ghibli, graphisme, Matrix, minecraft, numérique, pixel, recyclage, voxel
Libertés Numériques English Cross-post • 5 octobre 2010 The Wisdom of free speech: from Albania to Syria par Niluccio I somehow doubt whether Tal al-Mallohi and her fellow Syrian detainees have watched many Norman Wisdom films. But if they ever do, I reckon they’d get a glimpse of what Syria is trying to suppress. Twitter Facebook 3 Amnesty International, blogging, china, comedy, film, Freedom of expression, freedom of speech, Human Rights, Iran, Kareem 'Arabji, Norman Wisdom, Syria, Tal al-Mallohi, UK
Libertés Numériques English • 1 juillet 2010 1 in 4 world citizens are affected by web censorship par Federica Cocco According to Reporters Without Borders' last annual report, 25,3% of the global population has potentially been subject to online censorship. Twitter Facebook china, english, government, internet censorship, reporters without borders, web freedom